Thank you, Mary and Susan, for your presence at the Ceremony.
Thank you, Jo Heffernan, for reading every single Merit book.
Thank you, Avila and Mary, for your excellent 'traffic control'.
Thank you, Blackrock Education Centre, for all the organisation and support since last November.
But, most of all, a big thank you to you, the teachers and children for your hard work. Please know that your efforts are appreciated.
The moment is coming when your books have to be brought to the Centre to be exchanged!!!
Are they ready????
I hope so!!!
Just in case, you can find below how long you have left!!!
So, as a reminder please check (twice, like Santa!!!) that:
You are familiar with the rules (here);
- Every single book has an identification label (here);
- All the books are listed in the TWO COPIES of the class list (here).
Welcome back to the Write a book Project!
If you have committed to participate in the Project this year, there are only two things for you to think of for now:
? make note of the dates for the Project and ensure all participant teachers are aware of them
? please send your registration form with payment as soon as possible:
If paying by bank transfer, please use WAB and your School Roll Number as reference - see image:
If paying by credit card, you can enter the information in the form:
You could also email (adela@blackrockec.ie) the registration form and give your credit card details by telephoning the Centre: don’t forget to use WAB and your School Roll Number as reference
You can send a cheque attached to the registration form by post
By no means send cash by post!!!